Challenge Poverty Week 2024

The 7th – 13th October 2024 is Challenge Poverty Week. We’re joining organisations across Scotland as we unite in our calls for a just and equal Scotland free from poverty.

Everyone should have access to a safe, warm and sustainable home that meets their needs.

Fuel Poverty is a prevalent issue in Scotland and it’s currently thought around one in three households in Fife are classed as living in fuel poverty, spending more than 10% of their annual income trying to heat their homes. This can mean choosing between cooking hot meals and heating their homes.

Most people would be unlikely to identify themselves as being in fuel poverty, they’re more likely to think:

  • I can’t pay my gas bill / top up my meter
  • I can’t afford to turn on the heating
  • My home is always damp or cold
  • I’m always ill

The causes for these can be complex, however, fuel poverty can be due to:

  • Low income
  • High fuel costs
  • Energy inefficient homes


What help is available for people who are struggling?

Households may be entitled to receive the Warm Home Discount. This is a scheme where you can apply for a £150 rebate on your energy bills to help with the cost of heating your home during the winter months. Suppliers are starting to open applications this year.

There’s lots of support to help with the energy crisis why not take a look at our energy guides on the following topics:

Dealing with Debt

Guides on saving energy at home

If you’re worried about heating your home this winter, paying your bills or improving the energy efficiency of your property we’d urge you to get in touch.

Get Advice

If you live in Fife, Cosy Kingdom is here to help. We can help you find solutions to help you manage your fuel costs and stay warm at home.

Our energy advisors can be contacted by: