Saving energy at home

Energy advice guides discussing ways you can save energy at home

Watt does it cost?

With energy prices at a record high, understanding how your appliances use energy is a great place to start when looking at saving energy around the home. We’ve calculated some estimated costs of running the most common household appliances.

Saving Energy While Cooking

In the guide, we share some of our top tips on how you can cut down your energy consumption while cooking at home.

Using water wisely

Around 1/5th of the average household energy bill is spent on heating water, so using your water wisely can help cut your energy costs as well as reducing the water you use.

Using your heating controls (gas)

Using your heating controls correctly can help you stay warm for less. In this guide we look at how you can use your heating controls to save energy.

Using your heating controls (electric)

Electric heating can come in a range of different types and they can all be controlled differently. With electricity prices at the current high levels, using your controls correctly can help you save money and energy.