The Priority Services Register is a scheme operated by energy suppliers. It is there to offer extra support and assistance to help vulnerable members of the household in the event of a power cut and to manage their home energy use.
Criteria to be placed on the register can include:
- Being of pensionable age
- Living with children or young people under 18 years’ old
- Disability
- Chronic Illness
- Difficulty moving around
- Blindness
- Deafness
- Being bedridden
You should also be on the register if you use electricity in your home to operate any medical equipment, stair lifts, bath hoists or to keep medicine such as insulin in your fridge.
Help and support
People on the register can receive the following help:
- Protection from cold callers with password protection scheme
- A hard to read meter moved free of charge
- Free quarterly meter readings
- Copies of bills sent to relatives or carers
- Alternative bills such as braille, large print or audio tape
- Support to use your meter and appliances
In the event of a disconnection either planned or unplanned you will be able to receive:
- Advance notice if supply is going to be interrupted
- Priority reconnection if supply is interrupted
- You can also be provided with alternative facilities for heating your home and cooking
Gas Safety Checks
If you are a homeowner and receive any means-tested benefits such as Pension Credit or Employment Support Allowance you will be eligible for free annual gas safety checks from your supplier.
You must also meet one of the following criteria:
Be of pensionable age or have a disability or chronic illness
Live alone or live with others who are all also disabled or chronically ill.
How to register
All energy suppliers are obligated to offer this scheme. If you wish to be placed on your supplier’s Priority Services Register, you should contact them and let them know of your circumstances. You can also register with your Electricity Distributor; in Fife, this is SP Energy Networks. You can sign up by clicking here.
You can also find more information on the PSR Scotland website.
Would you like some more advice on the Priority Services Register? Cosy Kingdom is a free and impartial energy advice service available to everyone living in Fife.
Our energy advisors can be contacted by:
- Calling 01592 807930
- Texting COSY then YOUR NAME to 88440
- Emailing
- Request advice online
- On our Facebook and Twitter social media pages