Festive opening hours and where to go for support

Here are our opening times over Christmas and New Year as well as some advice on where you can go for support during the festive break.

The Cosy Kingdom energy advice service is closed from 12pm on Friday 20th December 2024. We will be open from 10am on Monday 6th January 2025.

Please note that his is a busy period for our advisors so we recommend asking for advice as soon as possible, please be aware we are now booking appointments into late January & February 2025. You can read our service statement for more information.


Where to go for support

Finding support over Christmas can be difficult. Here is a list of places where support is available over the Christmas period.


Fife Council

Our Fife has lots of information on to get the support you need over Christmas and New Year. The Safe and Well booklet contains useful telephone numbers and contact information for support services in Fife

Fife Council Faults and Repairs: 03451 55 00 11

Fife Council Out of Hours Support: 03451 55 00 99

Scottish Welfare Fund:  0300 555 0265

You can apply for a Community Care Grant through Fife Council.


Energy Advice

In the first instance, you should contact your energy supplier if you need support.

If you need urgent energy advice you can contact Home Energy Scotland, who will be open on a number of days during the holidays:

Friday 20th December – 8am – 8pm
Saturday 21st December – 9am – 5pm
Monday 23rd December – 8am – 5pm
Tuesday 24th December – 8am – 2pm
Friday 27th, Saturday 28th and Monday 30th December – 9am – 5pm
Tuesday 31st December 9am – 2pm
Friday 3rd January – 8am – 8pm
Saturday 4th January – 8am – 5pm

We also have a range of energy advice guides available here.



In a power cut, call 105 for help and advice from your local energy network operator.

If you smell gas or suspect a gas leak, call the National Gas Emergency Service immediately on 0800 111 999.


Prepayment credit

If you have run out of credit on your prepayment meter and cannot top it up you can contact your energy supplier for help. Let them know you have run out of credit and when you will be able to top up your balance.

Make your supplier aware of any vulnerable people in the house, this includes young children, older people and people with disabilities.  Your supplier may be able to help with discretionary credit. This is usually in the form of a loan that you pay back at an affordable weekly rate.

Most suppliers will activate ‘friendly credit’ hours so you won’t be cut off on specific days through the festive period, speak to your supplier for more information.